Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Pretty Leap Day

Not sure where all the blogging 'gusto' is coming from.. but I'm going to go with it until it passes. :) Today was  a BEAUTIFUL day, it would have been a beautiful day for April, not just February 29th! 66 degrees, sunny, a little blustery, but not enough to make it cold. Me and Bella played outside while the baby napped, then we went and picked up Sophie from school and the girls played outside for a while longer.

I am trying to get supper ready right now.. Brandtley is MAD... I am going to need one of those infant slings that mommy's wear. Never used one for the girls, but he really likes to be held and he cries unless I comply.

Also, wanted to take a second to do as I do every year and name my Top Pick for American Idol, for the guys I am digging  Heejun Han, Phil Phillips, Reed Grimm & Joshua Ledet. The girls, we will have to see.. so far I only really like Jennifer Hersch, but I am sure I will begin to like some of them a little more as time goes on. :)
Better get off here... its Mexican night and I need to get cooking, and its bath time for the kids and they need to get bathin'.

Happy  Leap Day!

1 comment:

  1. It was a gorgeous day! We walked everywhere we went and loved it! I had a Moby, it was great the first couple of months for our fussy girl, def freed up my hands!
