Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Well, as promised, this blog post has been written after becoming a mommy again. :) Its going to take me several days to write this, I'm sure, because I have only written these two sentences and the baby is calling.... :)

okay... a lot of people are asking about my 'birth story', and I don't mind sharing it. Here goes... On Friday February 10th, I went in for my last prenatal checkup. At that time, my blood pressure was very high. Dr. Meyer was the Doctor for this visit, and he was the doctor on call that weekend. He said he would like to send me up to Labor and Delivery floor to be induced that evening, however, there were already 3 or 4 active labors going on, so he would rather I wait until the morning and come in.

The next morning my in-laws came over to get the girls, and we headed off. We arrived at the hospital around 7:30 a.m. Our nurse met us up front and took us to the room, where we began the whole process. They started me on Pitocin around 9 am. Dr. Meyer broke my water around 9:40 am. After he broke my water, I relaxed for a few minutes. I was already beginning to have regular contractions. Our nurse, Cindy, suggested a walk in the hallways to keep progress coming. So we took a walk, and thats when the contractions REALLY started getting intense and painful. After about 20 minutes I couldn't take it much more, the contractions were so frequent and painful i just wanted to go back to the room. Brandon was a trooper he pushed my IV rack all around while we walked and rubbed my back during contractions. :) Such a sweetie!

Meanwhile it was approaching Noon, though i had been trying to battle through the pain without any medication, I decided to go ahead and get a shot called an ITN, it works just like an epidural except that the Epidural is a continuous drip and can last as long as needed. The ITN is a shot, so it wears off after a few hours. She checked my cervix, which was between a 5-6 so Nurse Cindy said the ITN shot would likely be fine. I was SOOO thankful that the anesthesiologist was in the hospital at that time, because i was sitting on the side of the bed, crying... making no sense even to myself. Literally, never been in so much pain in my life. Holding still for the ITN was difficult because of the intensity and frequency of the contractions... but Nurse Cindy and Brandon were holding on to me, helping coach me to 'blow away the contractions'. I was blowing so hard I thought I was going to pass out (or I hoped I would anyway!) After the shot, I still had one painful contraction, then the next I noticed was a little less painful. By the 3rd contraction after the shot, I could feel the contractions tightening my muscles, but no longer felt the agony that came with them. She checked my cervix, and in the time that it took to give me the shot (15-20min), I had dilated from a 5-6 to a 10!!! Explains the excruciating pain, right?! Anyway, they got Dr. Meyer called in within just a few minutes and a few pushes later, Brandtley John Edmund Combs made his entry into the real world. He weighed 7 pounds and 4 ounces and was 20 inches long. We cried tears of joy, he was beautiful.

We loved the whole experience, the Doctor and the nurses. Everyone was wonderful... and 24 hours later, we got to bring little Brandtley home. He is a VERY good baby, and we love having him in our family already. The girls think its pretty cool having a baby around.

 Daddy getting to hold Brandtley for the first time. 

Sophia was one VERY proud big sister!! 

Getting his little heart listened to, his first checkout by his pediatrician Dr. Wochner

Dr. Wochner checking out Brandtley

Brrrrrr its cold out here! Getting undressed to get his 'going home' outfit. I ordered it off of a store on Etsy... and it was PERFECT! :) 

So this is the Delivery Story. :) God blessed us with another safe pregnancy, delivery, and a healthy baby and we couldn't ask for any more than that.


  1. oh sister! I just love a happy birth story:)

    You can read my birth story with Kiersten in March of 2010 if you are into long torturous, painful stories...but hey, it had a happy ending, LOL! She was a 30+ hour induction with an epidural that wore off around 8 cm...too late for another boost, so yeah, fun stuff!!! I saw how quickly your little man entered the world and I'm hoping that I will be so lucky. And if my baby is near as cute as your little man I will be doubly blesses. Love to hear that you guys are doing so well. Bless mom, dad, big sisters and that precious baby boy!

  2. COngrats, so glad you had such a good experience, and cant wait for more and more pictures of your beautiful growing family :) good job!

  3. Thank you for giving me another beautiful little blessing. I love my grand babies and you!!!

  4. I love birth stories! How exciting how quickly it progressed, he wanted to make a quick appearance :)
