Thursday, April 7, 2011

long overdue

You know when life is going so fast you can barely remember the last 3 months? Thats how 2011 has started for us. We have moved, we have re-arranged EVERYTHING about my husband's business, we have had birthdays and parties and anniversaries and ... okay you get the picture, we've been on the go! I haven't taken the time to blog or post pictures in a very long time, and that makes me sad because i really like to keep up with this. It makes ME feel good to do this.
The girls are outside right now as i watch them through the open patio doors. They are getting their fill of SPRINGTIME! They are prancing around in rain boots picking up bugs and getting filthy and taking a long-desired respite from the winter that has dragged on bitterly.

Last Saturday we celebrated Bella's 3rd birthday! CAN NOT BELIEVE my baby is 3 now!! I still call her 'the baby' too, like i am in denial that she isn't a full blown toddler, nearly a pre-schooler.


"Honey, will you get the baby?" or when she is in trouble "She doesn't understand what you are saying, she's just a baby!!" So... trying to get over that, but its hard to swallow, ya know. Your kids growing up too quickly right before your eyes is a large, bitter pill.... its slowly going down, but im really struggling with it. *sigh. Bittersweet i should say, because there are lots of perks of children that are a little more independent. Like, on a positive note, we can all go to the movie theater and sit through a movie together, and even the baby is good! ;)

On the tech-side of things... i jumped off the BlackBerry train and hopped on the iPhone bandwagon. Only had it for a few days, I really LOVE it so far, but to be fair I will write my full review after 30 days.

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