Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Teacher, Teacher...

This is the link to the popular news story that came out today about the PA High School teacher who was suspended (which is a nice way of saying 'we plan on firing you') for making some school related criticisms on her personal blog. I thought this was such a great, controversial topic so I really wanted to put my two cents in! ;)

As a mother, a former student, a fellow blogger and PERSON... I relate to many sides of this story. I can see both sides have a very strong case.

I think most people could agree with this teacher, there are SO many teenagers now who are disrespectful and refuse to even resemble a responsible young adult. That must be very hard for a teacher to see day in and day out. Kids coming in, being disrespectful to the teachers and fellow students. She mentioned some talking loudly about drugs and alcohol, all the while refusing to take school seriously.

The most excellent point I think she made was that so many parents today are too busy trying to be friends with their kids, that they aren't being good parents. My mother has told me my whole life, "We will never be friends. I am your MOM." While that may sound harsh to some people, I feel 100% like that is the way the parent-child relationship should work. Parents tip-toe around their child's feelings so often nowadays, not wanting to push them away or be viewed as not being as cool as 'so and so's' mom or dad. Get over yourself and your pride and be a parent! Your kid is mad or thinks your are 'uncool'? WHO CARES. Parents rely way too heavily on school to teach their kids values, respect, discipline and responsibility. Guess what, my fellow parents... thats OUR job. School is for educating them, for helping prepare them for life by arming them with knowledge, for preparing them for college or work by helping them refine skills that they will need. It is NOT our children's teachers job to teach kids manners and respect. Its OUR job. If my kid is bratty and disruptive in class, I dont get to blame the teacher. I have to realize my child is out of control, and figure out what im going to do about it. So... in this light, I can see why teachers feel frustrated. Parents dont step in enough anymore. Period.

That being said.. I have read some of the things she posted about the kids, and her defense of those comments, and I do feel she was out of line. Let me be clear... I dont think that the things she FELT were out of line, I think the things she wrote down in a blog open to the public were out of line. First of all, these students now have seen these comments, and as a former student myself, I can see how they would carry a bit of a grudge. No one wants to feel like they are being looked down upon, and though her blog was written as a personal outlet for her feelings, it doesnt change the fact that it HAS been seen by her students, and it HAS offended, angered, and hurt some of them and their parents. I am guessing even if she is allowed to keep her job, she wouldnt be very welcomed there. Who knows, though? Like I said, she has a right to her 'freedom of speech' just as we all do. However, at what point do the things teachers say and feel interfere with their ability to teach our children without prejudice? I dont know the answer to that.

Well, thats it.. although that may be more like 10 cents instead of 2 ;)
Let me know what YOU think!

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