Tuesday, September 21, 2010

One of 'Those Days'

Well, today was certainly 'one of those days.' I am sure almost anyone with kids, especially my fellow mothers, can relate. I was trying to do something that was, to me, very important. To my kids, however, my "work" was the one thing standing in the way of their having my undivided attention. There were more screams, spills, fights, tantrums, snacks, refills, and things mommy just 'HAD' to see than I would have thought was humanly possible.

To say that I handled it with ease and I kept my cool and never let a bead of sweat fall would be a complete lie. I was irritated, I raised my voice, and there were times I about brought the 'whooping hand' out! Hah! That sounds funny, I realize, but it was not funny at the time. Today my four year old was acting like a 2 year old and my 2 year old was acting like a wild animal. It was complete madness, I tell you!

Around 7pm, I put Bella down and went to the bedroom to read Sophia a story and they were both sleeping soundly by 7:15. It was AWESOME! Mom's, I know you feel me.. that moment in the evening when the screams are replaced with sweet, silent slumber. The little mouths that were making demands and tattle-telling are softly closed and still. Its a moment you take to stand above them and thank God for giving you such precious gifts.... then go throw yourself on the couch and thank God for a few minutes to relax and enjoy some quiet and think (.. okay, okay AND watch Keeping Up with The Kardashians that i DVR'd.)

But as I sit here, I guess I feel a little bit guilty. Instead of being irritated that Bella wants to sit on my lap or have 100% of my attention, I guess I really should thank God that she LOVES me so much she WANTS my attention and desires 'mommy time.' And when Sophia cries like a toddler because she cant go to the bathroom, the kitchen or the bedroom without me... really what she is saying is 'I love you mom, and I want your attention and company wherever I go.' I guess the heart-breaking truth is, that there will come a day (much sooner than I like) when they wont ask to sit on my lap, or to walk them to the kitchen for a drink, or to read every book we own to them. Thats the days when I will probably cry tears of regret that I actually got irritated on 'days like these.'

However, if it weren't for the quiet evening after this day, I wouldn't have spent all this time reflecting on my blessings. I have many more besides my children, of course... but they are the ones weighing on my heart tonight.

Now if only I can remember this in the morning when this Circus starts up again... ;)

1 comment:

  1. haha! This made me laugh. "those days" are defeating to us moms and we are so good at being hard on ourselves. You are right, I love those sweet little sleeping faces (and early bedtimes to go with them!)
