Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Political Ramblings 101

Since I don't want to smear my Facebook page with Politics, I will give my Political rant on here. I am so sick and tired of uneducated people who wanted a change 4 years ago and now want to 'move forward.' What do you want to move forward..driving our economy so far into the ground that we can't ever recover ?!  A warm and fuzzy feeling you get from listening to Michele Obama give a speech is enough to make up for the fact that her husband promised increased jobs?... there are WAY less. He created so much debt with a failed 'turn the economy around'.  How much are you paying for gas?! You think that the middle class is better off like he promised?! Most of the 'middle class' is now at poverty level. Thanks Obama.

And the real kicker, if you ever say to me 'How dare someone tell me what to do with my Uterus, I will do what i want with it." Oh really?  Let me put it this way: The government doesn't tell me what i can do with my hands... unless I try to use those hands to KILL someone! Guess what?! Thats illegal dumb@$$!!!! So its illegal to kill a grown person, but not illegal to kill a baby. Well lets go back and kill you when you were a baby... would that be okay? Its your uterus, absolutely. But there are laws in this country, and those laws punish killing. If you have been raped and have conceived a child you feel you could never love, then there are waiting arms that would love that child and give them a wonderful life filled with love through adoption. Do you think rape is worse than murdering?

The fact that Obama is trying to make taxpayers PAY for slaughtering babies is so repulsive i can barely put into words how disgusted it makes me. I will NEVER vote for that morally void idiot. NEVER. He has NO good plan for the economy, people, or HE WOULD HAVE DONE IT ALREADY!!! He had his change, he failed. Time for someone else to step up to the plate.

The End.

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