Tuesday, October 26, 2010

playing with pics


It seems like the last two posts only include Bella. This is just a coincidence, i promise, not favortism. It just so happens i was experimenting with some photo editing and thats just how it worked out. I did a collage of Sophia also, but made it to large... then it was too small.... then i deleted it.... you get the picture, it wasn't working out very well for me.

I am in the process of teaching myself some new things, using a little photobucket and trying to teach myself some things about editing on my other program... i wont bore you with the details, but i will try to keep the pics coming.

Loving this fall weather!!

1 comment:

  1. cute pics! I will have to consult with you when I decide to make my blog more fun, I cannot find how to get the pictures across the top as a header
