Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July Weekend FUN


We started off the holiday ‘weekend’ Thursday evening when we went to Champaign to run an errand, and have some frozen yogurt.


This was taken Wednesday actually, at the park. It was just a beautiful day so we let the girls burn off some energy at the park before i went and saw Eclipse for the second time with my sister and a friend.


The girls giving a smooch!


Bella and Sophia are getting ready for the long drive to St. Louis for the Cardinals game.


Daddy and his little Cards fans.


Bella was not thrilled with the heat when is was taken, but she cooled off and had a BLAST! We got home around midnight, then up the next day to….


SWIM! On Saturday, we spent the morning playing out back in the pool.


Of course Peso got to swim too.


Sophie with her little man.


Bella going down the whale slide with a hatchet?? Don’t ask, i guess.


Later Saturday afternoon, we went to spend some time with Brandon’s Aunt and Uncles house, and the girls had SO much fun playing with their cousins. They were so sad they had to leave after a fun day, and a wonderful cookout. The above picture is of Bella enjoying a quick nap, she wore herself out playing all day. (She is cuddled up next to one of the Cardinals dolls that they gave her and Sophie for Christmas/birthday presents.. the girls loved them!)


Sunday, the 4th of July… the day we have all been waiting for. :) Of course, this was a big deal for the girls. They got enough candy to start their own store, so my little candy hounds were delighted. It was very warm in the sun and the girls we SO exhausted from being in the heat for so long. We got them home afterwards to take a nice long, cool nap before the firework display.


Bella does not appreciate the heat, she doesn’t know what she is waiting in the sun for…. then they started throwing candy and she changed her tune.


My little girls showing their patriotic side. How cute! They don’t understand with this holiday or that flag means yet. But they will someday, and hopefully be as proud to be an American as i am. :)

Happy 4th everyone!

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