Monday, August 31, 2009

summer's end

It is SO hard to find the time to write lately, so sorry for the lack of updating. I try.

Anyway, we are getting ready to get into the swing of Fall here soon. The reason i know fall is almost here?... Ive been planting mums like crazy, which i do every fall. But lets hope i dont kill them THIS year, i dont exactly have a green thumb, but im working on it.

Bella is starting to talk a lot more now, any word that ends with the long "e" sound (ex: momm-y dadd-yy, cook-ie, etc)
Cinderella, Cinderella is good. But Gemma pretty much just walked over the fence a couple weeks ago. So Brandon fixed the fence to reinforce it and trained her not to
jump up (using a shock collar.) So far, so good!

Now for a short story about each child.
Warning: these stories are scary but TRUE and may not be suitable for all audiences (especially people who are pregnant or considering having children.)

Sophia is in a new phase, its the lying phase. This means that you can watch her do something, then ask her why she did it, and she will say 'i didnt do it, bella did it.' A new line she is using, also, is "i dont know what im doing." Example 1.) Sophia why did you pour your apple juice on the carpet.? answer "I didnt know what i was doing."
Verdict: LIEExample 2) I watched her push bella on the ground, when i came over to pick up a crying BellaBug i asked Sophia "why did you push your Sister?!?" And she said "i didnt push her, she fell." LIEI have explained what a lie is, and why we dont tell lies. Hopefully it will sink in... eventually. Until then, i just try to sort through the lie to find the truth. And in the process, we are getting a few laughs with the gray hairs :)

Now our Bella, she is a human trashcan. She eats bugs, dog food, grocery store reciepts... anything she can get into before someone notices and drags her away (arching her back, screaming, etc.) On the flip side, she also eats good things. However, she eats in VERY VERY large quantities. For example, one night last week for dinner she ate 3/4 a can of green beans and 4 chicken nuggets. i mean, for someone that
weighs 21-22 lbs, that seems like a lot!


  1. that's funny about Bella. I can't tell you how many times I have pulled bits of paper out of her mouth to have her throw a gigantic tempertantrum...and the appetite too, I swear sometimes she eats more than I do in a meal. My mom says it's because they are so active and run run run all day long. Who knows?!?

  2. i know! they are funny. now you will have two funny little ones soon :)
