Some of you moms might have read this study that was done several years ago, but i love it. It just goes to show that, as mothers, we wear many different hats. This shows some of the monetary aspects of our job:
Based on 17 key occupations, Edelman Financial estimated that a mother's worth is approximately $508,700 per year
The 17 key occupations that mothers typically perform, with their median yearly salaries, are:
Animal Caretaker $17,500
Executive Chef $40,000
Computer Systems Analyst $44,000
Financial Manager $39,000
Food/Beverage Service Worker $20,000
General Office Clerk $19,000
Registered Nurse $35,000
Management Analyst $41,000
Child Care Worker $13,000
Housekeeper $ 9,000
Psychologist $29,000
Bus Driver $32,400
Elementary School Principal $58,600
Dietitians/Nutritionists $41,600
Property Manager $22,600
Social Worker $30,000
Recreation Worker $15,500 doesnt take into consideration the things that we mothers do everyday that are priceless, though. There is no job title or pay for the little things we do for our kids: Like teaching them to tie shoelaces and cleaning up 15 spills a day. Like watching their favorite movie over and over and over with them because they love it. Like having having their favorite blanky clean and warm right of the dryer when its bedtime. Things like that. These things are priceless to our kids. And our rewards are priceless, too. Becuase no one adores us like those little guys/girls.